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It’s all about SOUL, and Gypsy Eyes’ singular mission is to bring it to every man, woman and child that comes out to see their live show.
Gypsy Eyes is northern New Jersey’s premier Rock/Soul/Blues band. They are fronted by the dynamic Kate Ryan on smoky, gritty vocals, Jonathan Purisima on blues-drenched lead guitar, Rich Petersen on the steady grooving bass, and the greasy funk of Chris Iasiello’s power drums.
Greater than the sum of their parts, Gypsy Eyes recalls the bygone era of real music, played by real musicians. They pull from all of their influences such as Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, Prince, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Since their formation in 2010, every stage, bar, club, house party and juke joint they’ve played have all been left in complete and utter rubble. Their shows are the perfect mix of hip-shaking soul, down home blues and a thundering rock as they switch seamlessly between various styles as one cohesive unit. And as they cover a wide musical ground with their thrilling live shows and their top shelf musicianship one thing remains.
It is it their mantra. It is their calling. It is their mission statement: It’s all about SOUL.